Columbia River Camelid Association
Our mission is to be an inclusive association of camelid enthusiasts, focused on love of animals, education, socializing and networking.
Our mission is to be an inclusive association of camelid enthusiasts, focused on love of animals, education, socializing and networking.
We are pleased to invite you to the fifth annual Happy Camper Llama Show in Estacada, Oregon on
July 20th – 21st 2025, now organized by CRCA!
Hosted by Hidden Oaks Llama Ranch
Oregon State Fairgrounds
Central Oregon Llama Association Show (COLA)
Prineville, Oregon
Kalispell, MT
Estacada, OR
Clark County Fairgrounds, WA
22 1
Oregon State Fairgrounds
Spokane Valley, WA
Albany, OR
Member Events
Obstacle Practice
Join us at Hidden Oaks Llama Ranch to train and practice obstacle courses before the show season starts.
March 15, 2025 · 11am – 2pm
Cocktails & Camelids Members’ Mixer
Meet your fellow members, enjoy refreshments and check out a working llama farm.
Fecal Testing Clinic
Learn how to do your own fecal testing for parasite management. It’s a great opportunity to learn new health maintenance info!
Fiber Clinic
Learn about carding, spinning, needle felting, weaving, using dye or koolaid for different colors, and wet felting. Feel free to bring any fiber or supplies you want to work on or learn more about.
Cocktails & Camelids: Pumpkin Carving
An autumn edition of Cocktails and Camelids- bring a pumpkin to carve and enjoy drinks and snacks.
CRCA Holiday Party
Celebrate the holidays with us at this festive potluck. Wear your favorite llama-themed ugly Christmas sweater!
New Year’s Eve Llama Hike
Usher in the new year with a local hike with llamas! If you don’t have your own packing llama, you may reserve one in advance. Contingent on weather.
December 31 – 11am – 1pm
Show your support for the Columbia River Camelid Association by purchasing apparel and mugs emblazoned with our logo.
Happy Camper 2025 tees, long sleeve shirts, and hoodies are now available! Merchandise from previous years’ shows can also be purchased.
Camelids is the greater family name that includes camels, llamas, alpacas, vicunas, and guanacos.
This association is open to those who love them and those who are fortunate enough to share their lives with them. There is no requirement or expectation to own any animals in order to participate in this association, but we are certainly happy to help you find the right animals for you if that is your goal.
It’s rare for a well-socialized llama to spit at a human. They will usually only do so to another llama when they’re agitated or defending themselves.
Please check out our list of farms and auctions in the SW Washington and NW Oregon areas for information on available animals.
Llamas are great for guarding livestock, packing on hikes, and producing soft, hypoallergenic fiber. They’re low-maintenance, intelligent, and make fun, unique companions.